Semiotics and Logic of Semantics (Metonymy as a Symbolic Reference)

“To Error is an Individual Obligation More than an Infallibility "


  • Dr. Muhammed Ridha Mubarak, Ph. D. University of Baghdad - College of Mass Communication



Semiotics, Semantics, Metonymy



It is not easy to write in a science that has not yet been completed, since studies are still working to reach the possible goals and objectives of the use of semiology in studies, and various knowledge and scientific fields. Perhaps the sources that study this branch of knowledge, did not reach accurate approaches in this science, despite the large number of researchs and studies that dealt with. The dilemma, possibly, lies in the field of applied "semiotics analysis". Most studies deal with the theoretical aspect of such science and intimidate to engage in analyzing the symbol.

If those studies involve in, they may not reach important results, which made them reluctant to analyze semiotics analysis. Those studies are, though, satisfied with the theorizing that has become available and close because of the large number of sources, and the huge store of information on the websites.

In order to achieve a better understanding of semiotics, especially in the Arabic language, we have chosen to present this research in two axes:

The first one is a historical indicates the relationship between semiotics and semantics. The purpose of that is to remove the ambiguity occurred in understanding semiotics and semantics.

It is, often, to happens that such case is mixed up to those scholars involved in, especially the regarded ones.

They think that semantics is semiotics itself, especially with regard to the word, articulation. As semantic science examines the words and sentences and semantics like semiotics that does the same thing as semiotics tends to the linguistic symbol, as well as other symbols. Right here the distance between them seems narrow. Therefore, it is difficult to separate semantics from semiotics, even though the separation is our approach in this study.

The second axis is analyzing the image. We believe that such analysis is at the heart of the science of semiotics. image and visual analysis, if taken with the basics of this science, can come closer. We will show, at the end of the research, the results of the second axis without touching on the first axis as we have mentioned, previously, a reason for that we think it is an acceptable reason. However, we did not pass over any rhetorical art of what so ever Aristotle's rhetoric and Arabic rhetoric knew, which is metonymy.

Metonymy based on the neighboring element is, perhaps, closer to the definition of Ferdinand de Saussure for semiotics than that of Charles Sanders Peirce, in the known distance between the two.

Metonymy is closer to the symbol or the verbal reference; and it can be interpreted orally, than the close relation between the semiotics and orality.


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How to Cite

Ridha Mubarak, . M. (n.d.). Semiotics and Logic of Semantics (Metonymy as a Symbolic Reference) : “To Error is an Individual Obligation More than an Infallibility ". ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 6(24), 9-30.

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