Technical Processing of documentary programs in satellite channels


  • AHMED ABDULSATTAR HUSSEIN College of Arts, University of Diyala.



Documentary Programs  Technical Processing  Satellite Channels


The current research dealt with the study and analysis of the documentary
program on RT satellite channel dealt with research in a problem identified
by the researcher in a major question, which is the methods of technical
processing of documentary programs in satellite channels? The goal of
identifying the channel's handling of its documentary programs.
The research is considered descriptive research in which the researcher
used the survey method, the content analysis method to analyze (12)
documentary programs, It was determined by the comprehensive inventory
method within the temporal field of research extending from 1/10/2019 to
The researcher has obtained several results, the most important of which
* The results showed RT channel is adopting in its Processing of documentary
programs in the form of film programs, among other forms of programs.
* The diversity of the use of photocopying documents in RT channel handling
of its documentary programs, but the focus was more on video animation.


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How to Cite

HUSSEIN, A. A. (2020). Technical Processing of documentary programs in satellite channels. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 12(49), 72-93.

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