The Dominance of Title in the Poem (The Tight Thread in the Cypress Tree) for Nazik al-Malaika

The Tight Thread in the Cypress Tree


  • Dr. Thaer Hassan Jassim al–Enezi, Ph. D. University of Baghdad - College of Mass Communication



Dominance of Title, The Poem, Nazik al-Malaika


First, we can see the (title). Because title is the first thresholds of communication between the creative and the recipient. When the old creative text had no a (title), the modern text has greatly celebrated with the title that made it a parallel text to what it represents. The title is concise construction and hardly exceeds a sentence whatever how long it is.

It has attracted great interest in the modern critical studies. For its value, people in this business have specified several types and functions attached to it in their creative works and other works. They, moreover, have, sometimes, created a central and crucial role for it at the time one reads their works. Title, perhaps, begins to dispute the body of the text it represents in urging the reader to interpret the content of the work and discover its implications.

This research, titled (The Dominance of Title in the Poem The Tight Thread in the Cypress Tree”) for Nazik al-Malaika, endeavors, analytically, to study the extension of the (title) of this poem/ story semiotically in its artistic construction as a threshold of a text; and to reveal its interpretive dimensions and the extent of its success in attaching to the spirit of the poem in such a way that it cannot be overlooked. On contrary, it is considered as an explanatory reference in order to read it in which the deep and existed connotations are reflected in its internal structure.

Not every (title) is worthy of a critical study until the writer succeeds in his creativity and presents it with a text parallel to the body of the great text it represents.

Anyone who looks in this poem/ story with its title finds that it deserves a careful reading, because it possessed a set of artistic techniques that have combined in depicting its experience of poetry and narrative distinctively and this distinction crowned with a title had, carefully, chosen in a creative and unique way. Perhaps the significance of this poem lies in its high poetic energy, which excelled in maintaining the transparency of its language, despite its preoccupation with the weaving of its narrative; and despite it tackles a theme derived from the crux of a cruel real world


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How to Cite

Hassan Jassim al–Enezi, T. (n.d.). The Dominance of Title in the Poem (The Tight Thread in the Cypress Tree) for Nazik al-Malaika : The Tight Thread in the Cypress Tree. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 6(24), 31-46.

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