US Policy Image Regarding the Middle East Region as Reported by the Iraqi Newspapers (An Analytical Study of the Public Opinion in Editorials: Al-Sabah, Al-Mashriq and Tariq Al-Shaab Papers Over the Period from 1st of July to 30th of September 2013)


  • Prof. Hussein Ali Al-Falahi, Dr. Department of Journalism, College of Mass Media, Iraqi University.



US Policy, Image, the Middle East, Region, the Iraqi Newspapers


The present study is an attempt to throw light on the nature of the US policy regarding the Middle East region as portrayed by AI-Sabah, Al-Mashriq and Tariq Al-Shaab papers over a period of three months from 1st of July to 30th of September 2013.

In writing this study, a number of goals have been set by the researcher. These goals may include but in no way limited to the nature of the US image as carried by the above three papers, the nature of the topics tackled by them and the nature of the Arab countries which received more and extensive coverage than others.

A qualitative research approach is proposed for the study. This approach has allowed the researcher to arrive at definite answers for the possible questions raised by the study. Furthermore, the researcher has made use of the discourse analysis method for the collection, analysis, and classification of the data pertaining to the study.

The methodology of the study has made it imperative for the researcher to divide the study into three basic sections. The first deals entirely with the theoretical perspective, the second, deals with the nature of the US image as regards the Middle East Region, and the third, dealing with the results that provide evidence in support of the study. As a consequence of which, the researcher has reached the following conclusions:

  1. The topics concerning the current events in Syria have received the whole attention of the three papers without exception.
  2. The topics concerning the current events in Egypt have come second in order of importance by Al-Sabah and Al-Mashriq. Whereas, the topics concerning the current events in Iraq have received a second degree of importance by Al-Mashriq.
  3. The topics concerning the Palestinian issue have received the first news coverage by the three papers.
  4. Al-Mashriq paper has secured the first position in the number of the repetitions recorded within the five categories followed by AI-Sabah then Tariq Al-Shaab.

A negative overtone has dominated the whole picture portrayed the three papers as regards the US policy towards the Middle East region.


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How to Cite

Ali Al-Falahi, H. . (2019). US Policy Image Regarding the Middle East Region as Reported by the Iraqi Newspapers (An Analytical Study of the Public Opinion in Editorials: Al-Sabah, Al-Mashriq and Tariq Al-Shaab Papers Over the Period from 1st of July to 30th of September 2013). ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 6(23), 153-181.

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