The Visual intertextuality of normalization with Israel in websites of oriented satellite channels
An Analytical study of Al Hurrah Channel
Intertextuality; Visual Intertextuality; Oriented Satellite Channels; WebsitesAbstract
The research aims to reveal the methods of visual intertextuality used in the websites of the oriented satellite channel which is Arabic-speaking when addressing normalization with Israel. It also indicates the sources and types of intertextual images, the methodological and semiotic mechanisms for analyzing the intertextuality of news images used on the website of Alhurra satellite channel for the period from 1/6 - 30/8/2022, which included (94) images. The researcher analyzed (37) images with intertextual dimensions, excluding (57) images, which did not carry connotations connected with the inputs and objectives of the research.
The research reached the following results:
1- The website of Al Hurrah channel depends on the visual intertextuality in the topic of normal ization with Israel that is commensurate with its agendas.
2- The results also showed the multiplicity of methods of employing visual intertextuality in line with the objectives of the channel towards normalization with “Israel”, as it came in the forefront The synergy and simulation method, then the jamming and cutting style, the misrepresentation method, and finally the flipping or vice versa style.
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