The Communicative Integration in New Media

Building a Communicative Model


  • مؤيد نصيف جاسم, د. University of Baghdad- college of media
  • عبد الامير مويت الفيصل, أ.د University of Baghdad - college of media



Communication integration, content from, new media, virtual space, networking


The internet, unlike other traditional means of communication, has a flexibility to stimulate the user and allows him to develop it. Perhaps, the reason for the superiority of the internet over other traditional means of communication is the possibility of change and transmission from one stage to another in a short period. This means that the internet is able to move from the use to the development of the use and then the development of means and innovation as the innovation of the internet is a logical product of the interaction of the user with the network. The internet invests all the proposals and ideas and does not ignore any even if it is simple. This is represented in social networking sites which in fact reflects personal emotions for at the beginning of its inception the purpose of entertainment and then turned into a system for the development of social relations. It is this reason that allows it to be spread and it is non-cost and allows an equal and fair representation to various social groups benefiting from the public domain, which reduces the determinants of place and time since it is a wide space for participation and blogging. This forms a new form of communication and then forms a new type of media which doesn’t resemble what precede it.
The problem of the research is to explain the nature of communication using the new media with all the techniques and methods that do not exist previously and this is reflected in the form and nature of modern communication, which necessitate the construction of a new model more suitable for the new environment of communication. So the problem lies in answering the next question: What is the model of communication integration in new media? The research aims at reaching a new analysis of the nature of the communication process in the new media environment according to the model of communication integration by analyzing the elements of the communication process and the new international relations resulting from it by two new elements: speed of communication and communication.


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How to Cite

جاسم م. ن., & الفيصل ع. ا. م. (2018). The Communicative Integration in New Media: Building a Communicative Model. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 10(39), 103-232.

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