The exposure of the elderly to the news of the Corona pandemic TV and its reflection on their behavior

A survey study of a sample of the public of Baghdad governorate


  • Dr. Walaa Mohamed Ali Hussein AL-ESRAA University College



exposure, elderly, Corona TV pandemic news, behavioral reflection


A Survey Study Of A Sample Of The Public Of Baghdad  Governorate

The current study aimed to identify the most prominent psychological and behavioral repercussions of the exposure of the elderly to the news of the Corona pandemic and to determine the mechanisms of their exposure. On an intended sample on both sides of (Al-Karkh and Al-Rasafa) and the simple random sample was adopted to choose the place of distribution of the questionnaire and the intentional sample.

 The research concluded several results, most TV news is still a primary source of information and that most of the sample move between stations to see more information about the pandemic and that the presentation of views confuses the elderly ،There are to side negative and positive   cognitive aspect related to the perception of the pandemic as an international conspiracy against peoples The emotional reflection of exposure showed the presence of a state of anxiety، fear and panic

Instability and a positive emotional reflection represented by a feeling of comfort, reassurance and stability. The behavioral results of the sample showed adherence to preventive measures, with most of the sample delinquent in unscientific behaviors as a result of the state of fear, panic and anxiety in which they live.

Reassurance and stability The behavioral results of the sample showed adherence to preventive measures, with most of the sample delinquent in unscientific behaviors as a result of the state of fear, panic and anxiety in which they live.


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The referees for the questionnaire:

Prof. Dr. Saad Salman Al-Mashhadani Journalism - Department of Media - College of Arts Tikrit University

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Mowaffaq Falih Psychology - College of Education Ibn Rushd - University of Baghdad

Prof. Dr. Madian Omran Radio and TV Journalism - Department of Media - College of Arts Al-Mustansiriya University







How to Cite

Mohamed Ali Hussein, . W. . (2022). The exposure of the elderly to the news of the Corona pandemic TV and its reflection on their behavior: A survey study of a sample of the public of Baghdad governorate. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 13(53), 57-86.

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