
  • Assistant lecturer. Husni Refat Husni Al-Rafidain University College / Digital Media Dep.




Quality; Photojournalism; News Websites; Usability


This research aims to reveal the quality standards available in press images published in the news sites, the Iraqi News Agency and Al-Mada Press for the period from: 1/9/2019, to: 30/9/2019. The research is a descriptive research, in which the researcher relied on the survey methodology to achieve its objectives. The research reached a number of results, most notably the weak role of photojournalists in the websites and the adoption of those the Internet as a source for obtaining press images published with news and reports through its pages, as well as the neglect of the standard Description/Comment below the press images, which plays an important function in explaining and interpreting them for users.


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How to Cite

Refat Husni, H. (2020). QUALITY STANDARDS OF PRESS IMAGES IN NEWS WEBSITES. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 11(46), 133-150. https://doi.org/10.33282/abaa.v11i46.410

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