Contents of Campaign Advertisements “Take the Vaccine . to Protect Yourself” to Raise Awareness about Vaccines Against صthe Covid-19 Virus (Analytical Study of the Ministry of Health Facebook Page)


  • Riham Abd al-Aziz Abdel Kareem Al-Azzawi Department of Public Relations – College Of Mass Communications - University of Baghdad
  • Assistant Prof. Raya Qahtan Ahmed, Ph.D. Department of Public Relations – College Of Mass Communications - University of Baghdad



Awareness Campaigns, COVID-19 Vaccines, Iraqi Ministry of Health.


        This paper aims to identify the contents of the advertisements of the (Take the Vaccine .. to Protect Yourself) campaign that was carried out by the Iraqi Ministry of Health for the period from (11/19/2020) to (4/1/2022), to raise awareness of the anti-Covid 19 virus vaccines, which it published on its official page on Facebook. The researcher used a comprehensive inventory method for the research community, and used the content analysis tool.                                                                                                                                     Among the most prominent results of the research is that the campaign was devoid of a symbol of its own, and it chose a main slogan for it, which is (Take the Vaccine .. to Protect Yourself) in addition to other secondary slogans. The slogans focused on the importance of the vaccine to ensure the safety of the individual, and the importance of continuing to wear a mask after vaccination to prevent infection with the virus. The researcher noticed the absence of the campaign's main logo, although it is supposed to be present in all campaign advertisements.       


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How to Cite

Al-Azzawi, R. A. al-A. A. K., & Ahmed, R. Q. (2022). Contents of Campaign Advertisements “Take the Vaccine . to Protect Yourself” to Raise Awareness about Vaccines Against صthe Covid-19 Virus (Analytical Study of the Ministry of Health Facebook Page). ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 14(58), 125-140.

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