Role of the Iraqi Media Organizations in Promoting The Sense of Citizenship among Iraqi University Youth


  • محمد فالح تايه التميمي, باحث University of Baghdad - college of media
  • محمد عبد حسن العامري, أ.م.د University of Baghdad - college of media



Role, media institutions, Iraqi, promotion, sense of citizenship, university youth, research paper, Master Thesis


    This study examines the role played by the Iraqi media in promoting the values ​​of citizenship and the dimensions of the various sectors of Iraqi society, an important segment namely university youth section.
 The study intended to identify “the role of the Iraqi media organizations in promoting The sense of citizenship among young Iraqi university”, through: -
1. Identifying the most important Iraqi media, which works to promote the dimensions of citizenship and values.
2. To identify the extent of the contribution of the Iraqi media in promoting citizenship in dimensions (patriotic belonging, legal, political, economic, social, cultural).
The study provided a set of hypotheses, namely:-
First hypothesis: There are significant differences between the study sample Ahsaúba according to gender (male / female) to identify the role of the Iraqi media organizations in promoting a sense of citizenship through dimensional (belonging to the homeland, legal, political, economic, social, cultural).
The second hypothesis: There are statistically significant differences between the study sample according to specialization academic (Humanist my knowledge) to identify the role of the Iraqi media organizations in promoting a sense of citizenship through dimensional (belonging to the homeland, legal, political, economic, social, cultural).
The third hypothesis: Is there a statistically significant correlation between the intensity of exposure to Iraqi media (read, listen, watch, surf), and follow-up issues of citizenship by the study sample.
In order to achieve the objectives of the study the researcher used the descriptive approach in this study, and as a researcher relied on the questionnaire, a tool to collect information and data, which relates to the problem of the study, and the study consists of:
The systematic study explaining the problem the study and its importance, and its objectives, and questions, and hypotheses and sample type, size, and data collection tools, and style dump data, and statistical transactions, in addition to the validity and reliability, and the terms of the study, and previous studies.
The study found several of the most important results:
1. There are significant differences in favor of females from the study sample to estimate the role of the male in the Iraqi media in promoting a sense of citizenship through dimensional calculation (belonging to the homeland, legal, political, economic, social, cultural).
2. There are significant differences in favor of the human specialization of the study sample at the expense of scientific specialization in the estimation of the role of the Iraqi media in promoting a sense of citizenship through dimensional (belonging to the homeland, legal, political, economic, social, cultural).
3.The presence of correlation statistically significant relationship (weak) between the readability of Iraqi newspapers, listen to the Iraqi radio stations, by the study sample, and follow up to see the themes of citizenship, while the study revealed a correlation statistically significant relationship (medium) between View sample channels Iraqi television, and follow-up to see the themes of citizenship, while the study found a lack of correlation statistically significant relationship between the Iraqi browse sample of websites, and follow up to see the themes of citizenship.


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( * ) الخبراء تم ترتيبهم حسب اللقب العلمي والقدم
أ.د علي جبار الشمري- كلية الاعلام جامعة بغداد- قسم العلاقات العامة.
أ.د محمد أنور السامرائي- كلية التربية ابن رشد- جامعة بغداد- قسم العلوم التربوية والنفسية
أ.م.د رشيد حسين الشمري- كلية الاعلام جامعة بغداد- قسم العلاقات العامة.
أ.م.د عبد السلام السامر- كلية الاعلام جامعة بغداد- قسم الصحافة الاذاعية والتلفزيون.
أ.م.د عبد الأمير الفيصل- كلية الإعلام جامعة بغداد- قسم الصحافة الاذاعية والتلفزيون.
أ.م.د عبد المحسن الشافعي- كلية الإعلام جامعة بغداد- قسمالعلاقات العامة.
أ.م.د جاسم طارش العقابي- كلية الاعلام جامعة بغداد- قسم العلاقات العلمة.
أ.م.د ارادة زيدان الجبوري- كلية الاعلام جامعة بغداد- قسم العلاقات العامة.
أ.م.د باقر موسى العابد – كلية الاعلام جامعة بغداد- قسم العلاقات العامة.
أ.م.د فاطمة عبد الكاظم – كلية الاعلام جامعة بغداد – قسم العلاقات العامة.
أ.م.د بشرى جميل الراوي - كلية الاعلام جامعة بغداد – قسم العلاقات العامة.
أ.م.د سالم جاسم العزاوي – كلية الاعلام جامعة بغداد – قسم العلاقات العامة.
أ.م.د هدى مالك - كلية الاعلام جامعة بغداد – قسم العلاقات العامة.
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ن مج ع2هـ
معامل (a) = ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ [ 1- ــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ]
ن-1 ع2ك
إذ تمثل ن= العدد الكلي لمفردات ألاختبار مج ع2هـ= مجموع تباينات درجات كل مفردة (هـ) / ع2ك = تباين الدرجات الكلية.
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How to Cite

تايه التميمي م. ف., & العامري م. ع. ح. (2017). Role of the Iraqi Media Organizations in Promoting The Sense of Citizenship among Iraqi University Youth. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 9(38), 127-154.

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