The role of talk shows in influencing the public’s priorities regarding political mobilization in Iraq


  • Alia Adel Fakher Department of Radio and Television – College Of Mass Comunications - University of Baghdad.
  • Hussein Ali Nour Al-Musawi Department of Public Relations – College Of Mass Comunications - University of Baghdad.



Talk shows; Prioritization; Political mobilization.


This article explores the role of talk shows in setting the public's agenda regarding political mobilization in Iraq. The researcher designed a questionnaire that contains both closed and open-ended questions to allow respondents to express their opinions more freely.

 The researcher chose a phased purposive sample consisting of 294 respondents. The data was then subjected to analysis and verification using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).


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How to Cite

Fakher, A. A., & Al-Musawi, H. A. N. (2022). The role of talk shows in influencing the public’s priorities regarding political mobilization in Iraq. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 14(57), 31-46.

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