Women’s Traits In The Iraqi Satirical Television Show ‘State Of Melon’ A Paper Extracted from A Masters Thesis
Mental Image; The Satirical programs; Image of Women; IronyAbstract
The research aims to know the traits or characteristics of woman in terms of her external
appearance, motives for her behavior, feelings, mood and ability.
It, moreover, seeks woman’s relationship with others as it is presented by the Iraqi
satirical television show “ State of Melon “.
The researcher adopted for that survey approach using the method of content analysis
to study the research sample represented by “ State of Melon “ show which was
exposed through the screen of a group of channels:
“Hona Baghdad Satellite Channel, then Asia Satellite Channel, Dijla Satellite Channel,
and UTV Satellite Channel.”For this, the researcher used Margaret Gallagher’s Model to analyze the image of
woman in the Show episodes, which amounted to (132) episodes, divided into (the
second season - and the pre-season episodes of the third - and the third season - and
the fourth season - the fifth season).
In the light of this study, the researcher reached a set of results, which are:
1.The woman appeared dependent in her relationship with others, in addition to being
anxious and aggressive in her mood and feelings.
2.The woman image is considered among the hesitant and volatile characters of the
group of competence and capacity characters on the show.
3. At the forefront of the motives for woman›s behavior in the «State of Melon» Show
was that woman was driven by her feelings, while her outward appearance was dominated
by rudeness.
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