Visual Perception and Persuasion in Television Advertising An analytical study




Thinking visual; Persuasion; TV advertisement; Social Media.


The picture has taken a place that sometimes enables it to take precedence over media analysis، psychology، and political communication.
The image has the ability to influence to obtain persuasion، not only emotionally or
dramatically، but also on the level of commercial and political persuasion. In every
image، the intention of that persuasion is hidden.
It can be identified by a set of underlying dimensions such as vitality، social dominance، and confidence، for which a group of specific suggestions or movements، such
as a smile، the movement of hands، or the nature and way of looking with the eyes، is
established. The visual image often precedes its verbal counterpart in the process of
persuasion، as it attracts attention easily and effectively affects emotions.
The quality of the good image of lighting، sizes، and angles is important for the success
of all advertising messages for products and services and even political advertising
campaigns، and the image can facilitate the receipt of complex messages and information and stimulate the interest of the crowds of recipients It is intended to influence


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How to Cite

Dafak, M. A. (2022). Visual Perception and Persuasion in Television Advertising An analytical study. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 14(56), 61-82.

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