Consumer attitudes towards the integrated marketing communications of the UAE Etisalat company: A study of a sample of its subscribers in the emirate of Abu Dhabi


  • Khaled Abdullah Ahmed Dirar Faculty of public Relations
  • Abdul Malek Aldnanai Mass Communication



Marketing - Communication Marketing - Integrated Marketing Communications - Marketing Communication Means - Etisalat Service - Emirates Telecommunications Company


The continuous technical development in the means of communication and information technologies has led to an increase in competition in the provision of service and product on the part of the organizations, as this competition does not know silence and stability on specific methods, but rather it is a world that is constantly moving and renewed in approaches, methods and approaches, and the focus of attention of integrated marketing communications practitioners are Customers, for them, organizations sell their goods, products, services, and ideas, and with them, they become stronger in competition.
This scientific study aimed to identify the trends of the initiators towards the integrated marketing communications of (the Emirates Telecommunications Company) Etisalat, by carrying out a field study of a sample of its subscribers in Abu Dhabi, as well as identifying the most effective and interactive marketing methods and methods in marketing. And the role of marketing communication means in enhancing the information of service subscribers from the respondents' point of view.
The study was carried out using the descriptive approach to suit the nature of the problem and its questions, and a questionnaire was designed to collect the primary data for the study. The sample method was also used to collect data due to the large size of the research community. The study reached many scientific results that clarify the respondents' attitudes towards the services provided by (a telecommunications company) Etisalat, in addition to their reminder roles.


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- Colleagues who judged the questionnaire, they were: Prof. Muhammad
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How to Cite

Abdullah Ahmed Dirar, K. ., & Aldnanai, A. M. . (2021). Consumer attitudes towards the integrated marketing communications of the UAE Etisalat company: A study of a sample of its subscribers in the emirate of Abu Dhabi. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 13(52), 53-86.

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