Cultural and educational values for children


  • Rasha Hussien Hameed University of Bagdad / College of Muss Communication
  • Abdul Qadir Saleh Maarouf University of Bagdad / College of Muss Communication



values - cultural and educational values - programs for children


Programs directed to children through the media in general and in television in particular are among the main factors that help in forming the cultural and educational values of this important segment of society, and in light of this the study problem was identified in answering a major question: What are the cultural and educational values that Ajyal channel seeks Space planted in children through my program, Iftah Ya Simsim (in its new season) and Friends of Ajyal? , While the objectives of the study were evident in identifying the most prominent cultural and educational values that the Ajyal satellite channel worked to instill in children, and identifying the nature of the techniques used by Ajyal channel in providing the value content, as well as revealing the most prominent artistic templates and forms that the channel embodied in presenting cultural and educational values For children, this study is one of the descriptive studies, in which the descriptive analytical survey method was used The research community was represented by the contents of the two episodes of the two programs, Iftah Ya Simsim (with its new season) and Friends of Ajyal. Information about the media content to be analyzed and obtaining the data related to it The research community was represented by the contents of the two episodes of the two programs, Iftah Ya Simsim (with its new season) and Friends of Ajyal, The researcher used the comprehensive inventory sample that included (84) episodes for the period from 1/12/2017 to 28/2/2018, and she used the content analysis tool as a research tool to collect information on the media content to be analyzed and to obtain the related data , and it used the content analysis tool as a research tool to collect information on the media content to be analyzed and to obtain the data related to it.
The study found a set of results, the most prominent of which is: It was found that the two programs converged in their focus on values with social and integrative value issues of the child's personality and the love of work and recreation. The two programs were also interested in developing knowledge and skills, raising the values of science as well as developing brainstorming skills among children. The analysis also became clear. The two programs presented values topics in order to satisfy the needs of the physical and mental development of the child and in a way that affects the consolidation of the various values and skills they have. The two programs also contributed to the development of dialogue and communication skills with others in children.


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How to Cite

Hussien Hameed, R. ., & Qadir Saleh Maarouf, A. (2021). Cultural and educational values for children. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 13(51), 229-242.

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