Television and Agenda Building


  • Shaima'aAbd - Al Majeed Allawi University of Baghdad - College of Mass Communication- Department of Journalism
  • Dr: Wisam Fadhil University of Baghdad - College of Mass Communication- Department of Journalism



Agenda - building - news programs - television - prominence


Most media studies on the development of the agenda have focused on the relationship between the content of the media and the audience of these media, and the extent of its impact on the agenda of the media, in addition to comparing it to the extent of interest in the agenda of those means. While in the construction of the agenda, we focus on the relationship between news sources and the media and the role of these sources in the process Building the agenda.These sources are institutions, parties, pressure groups, interest groups, the head of state and other media. The impact of these sources on the process of building the agenda are shown through the process of the selection of resources by the channel and communicators, and the technical methods taken to present the media content. The approach to building the agenda examines the relationship that precedes it, namely the relationship of news sources to the media and how these sources, which the media depend on, can influence the construction of the medium.


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How to Cite

Abd - Al Majeed Allawi, S., & Fadhil, W. (2021). Television and Agenda Building. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 12(50), 121-132.

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