(Field Study)


  • Afnan Mohammed Shaban University of Baghdad Market Research & Consumer Protection Center, Baghdad, Iraq




- Internet - E-Marketing - Facebook - Women - Field - Social Media


The research aims to determine the factors affecting the woman’s use of electronic marketing in social networking sites, and to know the extent of the sample’s use of social networking sites for electronic shopping purposes. The research tool used the questionnaire form that was designed in its final form after presenting it to the arbitrators and it included a set of questions and a five-Likert scale, and used the spss statistical program to perform the statistical operations that were laid out in tables showing the frequencies, percentages and percentages Salary, mean, standard deviation, and correlation using the Spearman correlation coefficient, the Ka2 square test, the F test, the Alpha Cronbach test, and arrived at Searching to a set of results, the most important of which is the existence of a large extent of electronic marketing from the internet sites, and that Facebook is one of the most used social networking sites in marketing, and the hypothesis test showed a significant correlation between marketing sites and the extent to which the sites meet the needs of women, and the results also showed that there are differences between the sample in Demographic data towards the use of women for e-marketing via social media, and there is also an indication of the degree of consistency in the sample averages towards the factors affecting the woman's use of e-marketing.


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How to Cite

Shaban, A. M. (2020). FACTORS AFFECTING WOMEN’S USE OF ELECTRONIC MARKETING ON SOCIAL MEDIA : (Field Study). ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 12(47), 123-144. https://doi.org/10.33282/abaa.v12i47.511

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