Communicative Connotation, Pepsi Cola Ads, Business , Consumer AdvertisingAbstract
A trademark is one of the most valuable elements in advertising. At the same time, it is a guarantee for both the producer and the consumer. It prevents the mixing of products with a certain mark with similar products bearing another mark; and creates confidence in the goods of the product.
With the increase in the types of goods and products and the emergence of similar goods, producers have turned to the use of the brand to identify their products and seek perfection in manufacture to maintain quality and continuous improvement which ensures good reputation and fame.
Hence, commercials for goods and services focused on the brand because they give in-depth connotations with the recipients of these ads. The brand contains words, pictures, letters, or drawings, all of which mean certain things and symbols that address the recipient and pull him/ her towards the advertisement.
This will be evident in our approach to the Pepsi Cola ads in one of the satellite channels and the highlight of this sign of communicative connotations expressed by linguistic symbols, verbal and non-verbal.
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** تم عرض أستمارة البحث على محكمين خارجيين هما :
-1أ.د وسام فاضل راضي / كلية الإعلام /جامعة بغداد / قسم الصحافة الإذاعية والتلفزيونية .
-2أ.م.د عبد السلام احمد السامر/ كلية الإعالم /جامعة بغداد / قسم الصحافة الإذاعية والتلفزيونية.
-3أ.م.د طالب عبد المجيد علاوي/ كلية الإعالم /جامعة بغداد / قسم الصحافة الإذاعية والتلفزيونية.
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- Obaid Hatim, previous source 102-96: Kae (j-n) les marqwes: cqdital del enterprise op, cit, pp (17)
(18) Hatem Ubaid, previous source, p. 29. * That the iterations mentioned in Table No. (4) indicate that the single declaration included the three sub-categories combined, i.e. the iterations were eighteen times for a single ad, meaning that the significance of distinguishing the trademark demonstrated its similarity With previous signs and it is innovative with a distinctive external appearance, and a distinct sign from other identical or similar products.
** The research form was presented to two external arbitrators:
-1 Prof. Wissam Fadel Rady / College of Information / University of Baghdad / Radio and TV Journalism Department.
- Prof. Dr. Abdul Salam Ahmed Al-Samer / College of Media / University of Baghdad / Radio and TV Journalism Department.
-3 Prof. Dr. Talib Abdul Majeed Allawi / College of Information / University of Baghdad / Radio Journalism Department
And television.
- 2022-10-01 (2)
- 2025-03-11 (1)
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