Cultural alienation of residents outside Iraq


  • عبد الامير مويت الفيصل, أ.م.د Baghdad University/ College of Mass-Communication



Expatriate, cultural, residents, outside Iraq


The world has seen in recent years as a result of rapid changes in the information and communication revolution until his limbs became distant as if a small screen can be controlled at the touch of which resulted in a stunning advance in all areas of life button, these changes were not accompanied by all the positive development, but it has many drawbacks on humans resulted in many of the psychological, social, intellectual and cultural problems.

As it is the cultural alienation of the most important challenges faced by the community in light of the tremendous technological progress and rapid jumps that exceeded all expectations in addition to the economic, social and political changes experienced by the country led to the desire of young people to stay away from home and resort to Arab and foreign universities. And alienation human phenomenon generally carries positive and negative aspects of a common phenomenon in many societies, regardless of the systems and ideologies, economic and technological level and if it is the alienation of the relative social phenomena that vary according to time and place, according to the society.

And tries to find the knowledge of cultural alienation faced by students outside of Iraq through technology through levels

Revealed the main dimensions of alienation contained in the theoretical frameworks and their relationship

           Values format which holds the expatriate.

And the study of alienation factors in a sample search where the researcher used a descriptive analytical method which helps to verify the objectives of the study.

  In light of the findings, the researcher recommended working on a pilot project includes a program to correct the feelings and beliefs of alienation, and the target of Hokhvd feelings of alienation among young people, and this is done through the involvement of individuals positively to the implementation of the program with the Note combines scientific nature and theoretical nature of the applied practical and the promise of family involvement in it.

And the need to open channels with Almagro families and individuals in coordination with the Iraqi embassies and cultural attachés abroad in order to inform them of the extension programs to assist their children to reduce the risk of alienation have. In addition to an increase in the media, psychological, social and deepen their studies to determine the alienation cons of various different kinds of access to scientific results are placed in front of specialists to deal with them


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How to Cite

الفيصل ع. ا. م. (2015). Cultural alienation of residents outside Iraq. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 7(27), 32-54.

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