Advertises of Advertising Mail Post of Emirate of Dubai as a sample


  • زينب ليث عباس, أ.م.د College of Al-Khawarizmi Engineering University of Baghdad



Advertises, Advertising Mail, Post of Emirate, Dubai, a sample



                The advertising mail is considered as one of potential tools that followed to transfer the printed messages to the consumers and public customers whom are located at homes or works. This type of advertising is preferable due to the zero expense to receive the announcements of products, which became recently one of the successful procedures to create new customers and keep them in touch with direct communication. It is also possible to send them to specific group of people who can be classified by the advertisers to select even by name their own clients to give the personality to the clients for a long term of communication.

                   The research problem can be defined as: Awareness of the tools of advertising mail despite the familiarity for others with such sort of advertising but still it's ambiguous for numerous.

                    The importance of the research could be obtained through the advertisers and researchers on this specific field to focus on how to attract the client professionally following the advertising mail procedure.

                   The researcher finds some results such as: That the advertising mail in the United Arab of Emirates is followed equally in this country between the seven emirates, using the same procedures and resources of delivering the brochures, catalogues, folders and daily newspapers announcements.

Research Recommendations:

                   The researcher ends this research with the following recommendations:

Focusing on more researches and sites surveying in the whole UAE country to check more the acceptance of the public with this sort of advertising, and to be aware of the response of people with the advertising mail, the benefits of this sort of advertising.


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How to Cite

عباس ز. ل. (2017). Advertises of Advertising Mail Post of Emirate of Dubai as a sample. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 9(35), 79-106.

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