Journalistic recruitment for the Infographics news sites Bairaq hussien jumhaa al ruba


  • Prof.Dr.abd al ameer mouit alfaisal College of Media in University of Baghdad.
  • Bairaq hussien jumhaa al rubay College of Media in University of Baghdad.



Infographic, graphical data, news sites


The aim of the research is to find out the methods of employing the : Infographics in the news sites due to the different communicative roles of the : Infographics . To achieve the research objective, the researcher used the survey method: the method of analyzing the content to analyze the : Infographics material from the selected sample of the news sites. What was said ? And how was it said? Through the design of a content analysis form that includes a number of studied analysis Infographics of the study.


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How to Cite

alfaisal, abd al ameer mouit ., & jumhaa al rubay, B. hussien. (2019). Journalistic recruitment for the Infographics news sites Bairaq hussien jumhaa al ruba. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 11(43), 149-168.

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