Digital addiction and its Relationship to social isolation among children in the autism Spectrum frome the viewpoint of their parents
Digital addiction; Relationship to social isolation; children; the autism SpectrumAbstract
This study titled “digital addiction and its relationship to social isolation among children in the autism spectrum from the point of view of their parents” in which the
researcher addressed an important topic which is knowledge of digital addiction in a
child with autism spectrum and its relationship to social isolation in them.
The study aimed to dhed the light on the digital addiction in a spectrum child Autism
from the point of view of their parents، by knowing the extent of addiction of children
in the autism spectrum، and identifying the relationship between electronic addiction and the social isolation of children in the autism spectrum.The study presented
several hypotheses، namely:
Is there digital addiction in children with the autism spectrum from the point of view
of parents?،Is there a social isolation for children with the autism spectrum? And
Is there a correlation between digital addiction and social isolation in children with
autism spectrum? In order to achieve the aims of the study، the researcher used the descriptive approach in the study and relied on the tool of collecting information and
data، which is، the questionnaire that relates to the problem of the study.
The study reached the following main results:
1. From the results of the study، it is clear that there is digital addiction in the child of
the autism spectrum.
2. Among the results of the assumptions that there is social isolation among the child
of the autism spectrum.
3. One of the results of the hypotheses is the presence of a statistically significant
positive correlation between electronic addiction and social isolation in a child with
the autism spectrum
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