Tendencies of Scientific Research in the Specialized Journalism
the Media Researcher Magazine A survey study
Tendencies, Scientific Research, Specialized Journalism, Media Researcher, MagazineAbstract
The study of the tendencies of scientific research in specialized journalism through the three specialized levels, specifically the third level. It is referred to be a monthly, quarterly or annual magazine that follows the publication of the researches for new studies which have come to in every specialization. it is directed to the highly educated and is almost an alternative book. Thus, the subject is specialized and the audience is specialized.
The study aims in both its survey and field section at knowing the type of researches and their classification and the form, gender and the use of foreign sources and their scientific tank and the geographical position in addition to knowing the opinions of researchers and their satisfaction about the magazine and the most important advantages and disadvantages.
The researcher comes up to the following findings:
The published researches in the Media Researcher magazine includes applied and theoretical studies in the coordination researches in 56.37% of the theoretical researches.
The individual researches exceed the joined researches in obtaining 79.39%.
There are more than 6 specializations of the researches published in the magazine. The researches about media and communication come first in 28.18%.
The subject affirmed that the published researches did not give success rat while the percentage of their answers whether they are useful and benifitable was 82%.
The subject diagnosed many disadvantages.
The sample showed that 621% that they are satisfied and 21 % were not.
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*** يختلف عدد الباحثين عن عدد البحوث لأن هنالك بحوث مشتركة ومستلة اشترك فيها أكثر من باحث ولربما تجاوز إلى الثلاثة.
**** اعتمدت الباحثة الموقع الجغرافي على عدد البحوث المنشورة وليس على البحوث المشتركة والمستلة من الباحثين (أي عددهم) لأن أجور النشر حسب الدفع تكون للبحث وليس لعدد الباحثين.
***** جمعت الباحثة الباحثين كلهم المنشورة بحوثهم وبضمنهم البحوث المشتركة والمستلة لذا كان المجموع يختلف عن عدد البحوث.
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