The Use of Social Networking sites in the Marketing of Values Analytical

Study of the Official Pages of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs on Facebook


  • Aqeel Kareem Meshet Al-Mousawi Department of Public Relations, College of Mass Communication, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Fatma Abid Kadhim Hamad Al-Rubaie University of Bagdad / College of Mass Communication



[social marketing ; values ; social media ; Facebook.


The social networking sites have brought about fundamental changes and a qualitative shift in the marketing industry and its strategies. The Iraqi ministries have used this site i.e. Facebook to spread and disseminate values in order to consolidate it in Iraqi society which has witnessed many changes in all aspects of life.

   The researcher studies the pages of both ministries to know the values contained in the publications of the pages of these two ministries, the quality of grooming as well as the forms in which these values are marketed.

     The researcher uses a survey method and content analysis for the publications of these two pages during the study period starting from January 1, 2019 up to April 1, 2019. The research ends with some important results:


1- moral, social and cultural values come first.

2- political, economic, national and artistic values comes second.

3- religious and sport values appears in a very small percentage in these ministries.

         The researcher also notices that the Ministry of Cultural, Tourism and Antiquities uses “attached text image” to attract the public and draw attention to its publications, whereas Ministry of Labor, and social Affairs uses “text with videos” because it includes a light number of reports which highlight social and human status and how they remedy them.


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How to Cite

Al-Mousawi, A. K. M., & Al-Rubaie, F. A. K. H. (2022). The Use of Social Networking sites in the Marketing of Values Analytical : Study of the Official Pages of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs on Facebook. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 13(53), 135-150.

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