The Effectiveness of Modern Media Techniques in Developing Good Citizenship Values among Students


  • موفق عبد العزيز الحسناوي, أ.د -Southern Technical University / Technical Institute in Nasiriyah [email protected] -University of Nahrain/ Presidency of the University/ Media and Public Relations
  • انتصار عباس ابراهيم الحسناوي, م.د -Southern Technical University / Technical Institute in Nasiriyah [email protected] -University of Nahrain/ Presidency of the University/ Media and Public Relations



Effectiveness, Modern, Media Techniques, Developing, Good Citizenship, Values, Students


This research aims to identify the effectiveness of modern media technologies represented by satellite TV in the development of good citizenship values when students. To achieve this purpose were selected a sample of 44 students in the Department of Electrical technologies in Technical Institute in Nasiriyah in southern Technical University during the school year (2015-2016).
Was determined the general objectives of the use of modern media techniques represented satellite TV is to promote the values of good citizenship among the sample of students in order to make them good citizens in the community could contribute to the development and upgrading it. And put the general plan of research. Promising researchers measure of good citizenship for undergraduates values of a component of a number of paragraphs in which we can check the availability of good citizenship values among a sample of students and research that could contribute to the development of society. And extracted psychometric characteristics such as sincerity and consistency of this scale using statistical methods known to be ready for the application of the research sample.
After that, one of the researchers compiled a number of guided by a number of national satellite channels, temperate and containing topics aimed at different tips that urges students and youth citizenship and good values and good morals, and the development of the national spirit and attention to Islamic by the principles Alhanifp good social traditions, all in TV programs trying to create good citizens committed able to contribute to the reform of society and its development. It was this television programs put on compact discs (CD) for the purpose of distribution to the research sample to see them and take advantage of the positive contents.
And it began to apply the researcher conducting the tribal scale application of good citizenship values when the students to sample and analyzed its results. Then hold hearings to the research sample to show aimed at programs that have been compiled from satellite TV channels them two hours a week for five consecutive weeks. It was then holding the post applied for a measure of good citizenship values when the students to sample and analyzed the results using a number of appropriate statistical methods.
And it reached the search results to get the research sample is statistically significant and positive growth for the values of good citizenship among students after briefed on the programs that have been compiled from satellite TV than it was before knowing. The researchers concluded that the presence of a positive impact of modern media technologies in the development of good citizenship values when students could benefit from the upgrading of society and its development process. The researchers recommended that the importance of benefiting from targeted programs offered by satellite TV channels for these purposes beneficial among students and young people and proposed conducting complementary research for this research in this area for the development of good citizenship values when students in such circumstances through which our dear country.


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How to Cite

الحسناوي م. ع. ا., & الحسناوي ا. ع. ا. (2016). The Effectiveness of Modern Media Techniques in Developing Good Citizenship Values among Students. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 8(31), 141-164.

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