Exposure Habits of Female College Students for women's Programs in the Satellite and its Relationship to the Promotion of Family Values
Exposure Habits, College Students, Female, women's Programs, Satellite, Promotion of FamilyAbstract
The status of women in any society is one of the basic criteria for measuring the degree of progress that society and follow renaissance march side by sidewith men , and is no doubt that women are now of interest to the state , even if limited , which promotes public ideologies on the need for womens participation in economic infrastructure operations and social and the right to gain information and knowledge, entertainment and exercise its role in development through its president and actor in the family and raising the next generation configuration.
And affect the basic tributaries that draws them women information and ideas have a direct impact on the composition of cultural and cognitive entity woman comes satellite channels in the forefront of those tributaries, in terms of meeting the intellectual needs and providing them with what is happening in the community, both at the local level or the global and extended the ability to make the appropriate decisions to confront the dilemmas faced and achieve its goals of different psychological and social.
The research was presented for the detection of university students who make up more than half of the women in the community habits , and the reasons and motives behind this exposure and its relationship to strengthen ties and family values to have .
The main search results through research procedures and field application of statistical equations , the high proportion of show womens programs by the respondents of these programs promise an important source of knowledge and intellectual innformation to the respondent , was to prove the hypothesis key to search the existence of a positive relationship between the content of those programs and the promotion of family values in respondent in the community .
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