Privacy Violation in Social Media Sites


  • عبدالامير مويت الفيصل, أ.د University of Baghdad - college of media
  • اسراء هاشم سيد, باحثة University of Baghdad - college of media



Privacy Violation, Social Media, Sites


Technological superiority of the means of communication and media has allowed these methods to dominate and are replaced by alternative positon of traditional media. The internet with its advantages and benefits benefited in various areas of life, especially media and achieve what no previous technology could achieve and any technology what comes after it can't be isolated from the internet. Today, the internet is the cornerstone of communication and connection in the world and the most important means of public and personal communication at the same time. The interactive feature of the internet and the cancelation of space and time restrictions create a new media that allowed everyone to express what they wanted freely. The internet applications including social networking sites, especially the Facebook, have become the most important new media after the wall of the Facebook page has become the newspaper that publishes the forefront of important events and celebrities. It also becomes an integrated information system for everyone to spread what he wants not only text but also voice, image and broadcast live image so they write everything he wants from the details of his personal, social and scientific life.
After talking about the right to communicate, right to know and to get information, human rights have become the subject of the dangers of new media, especially the right to privacy. User's data, personal information and contacts are stored, collected and processed electronically not only by the network's management and by the competent companies, but by all those who have the ability to do so, whether they are hackers, service providers, government or other countries and companies. As well as the availability of these means of advantages enable users to violate the privacy of each other and publish what they want under pseudonyms especially in the absence of laws and ethics governing these means and users as well as its globalization.
This survey comes to the users of the social networking site Facebook to find out what the concept of privacy; the extent of their awareness of the importance and protection; monitoring the types of violations achieved through ethics and the extent of the privacy of Facebook as a media .


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*** أعتمد في اجراء التحليل الاحصائي على استشارة د. ليلى حاتم أستاذة الاحصاء في كلية الاعلام –جامعة بغداد.







How to Cite

الفيصل ع. م., & سيد ا. ه. (2017). Privacy Violation in Social Media Sites. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 9(36), 213-240.

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