Peer Review Processes

As a scholarly journal, our primary objective is to provide our audience with exceptional academic articles. To ensure that all contributions are evaluated based on their relevance, originality, and significance, we hold our journal editors to high standards.

In addition to ensuring proper acknowledgment of authors and contributions, avoiding conflicts of interest, and ensuring accurate citation of others' work, submissions should be reviewed based on their academic merit.

The peer-review process is a important aspect of the editorial workflow and the ultimate decision to publish a submission. In the ABAA Journal, we endorse the "double-blind" peer-review process, where the identities of the authors and reviewers are concealed from each other. This method promotes impartiality in the review process, significantly reducing the likelihood of conflicts of interest or manipulation. However, we expect journal editors monitoring the review process to be vigilant in detecting any signs of tampering or unethical behavior. It is essential to handle personal information with utmost care and confidentiality to maintain privacy for all involved parties.

We strongly encourage editors and reviewers to familiarize themselves with COPE’s Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers as a valuable resource.