The social and psychological effects of ISIS in the conductive press An analytical study in the Iraqi newspapers “Economic City” and “Mosul News” for the period from 30/8/2017 until 31/7/2019
Research derived from Master Thesis
psychological affects; conductive press; Iraqi newspapers; Economic City; Mosul NewsAbstract
The research seeks to find out the extent of the coverage of the Mosul press to the issues of psychological and social effects of the organization "IS" on the community of Mosul, by analyzing the content of the newspapers “Economic City” and “Mosul News”. As well as to stand at the types of psychological and social effects and their repercussions on the Mosul community including figures, statistics and evidence that were covered in the theoretical study of these topics.
This study is the first scientific diagnosis to reveal the size and types of psychological and social effects of the “ISIS” organization through what was monitored by the Mosul press. The study seeks to draw the attention of officials, decision-makers in Iraq and the world to these effects to develop the necessary solutions and to repair the destruction caused by "ISIS" in the hearts of the Mosul community and the city.
This research is a descriptive research, which used the methodology of the survey in order to identify the magnitude of the social and psychological effects caused by “ISIS" on the Mosul community during its occupation of the city for nearly three years.
The search found the following results
- The two newspapers were able to identify a large part of the psychological and social effects of ISIS on the Mosul community through its press coverage, which appeared during the analysis of the content of the newspapers during the study period.
- ISIS’s control of Mosul has produced negative social effects in the Mosul press.
- The occupation of "ISIS" to Mosul produced psychological effects, most notably, psychological disorders among the population, especially the most vulnerable groups, children and women.
- The press coverage of the newspapers showed that they focused on social effects rather than psychological effects. The total number of social antiquities in the newspaper "Mosul news" was 3509 and 2347 in the newspaper "Economic City", while the frequency of psychological effects in the “Mosul news” newspaper was 167 and 136 in the newspaper Economic City
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