News website Analytical

study of news sites (Iraqi Media network, The Seventh Day,Huffington Post Arabic


  • حسني رفعت حسني عبدالاله, باحث Aliraqiya University, Media College
  • هاشم حسن التميمي, أ.د University of Baghdad - college of media



Electronic media, digital journalism, interactive, news sites


This research focuses on the services provided by news websites (IMN, Youm7, Huffington Post Arabic) to its audience of Internet users, as well as materials posted through its pages, trying to monitor and explain them to identify their types & features, and it›s functions, whether informational or non-informational, to know the technical potential of each of the news sites, with the entry of the latest technology information. The research used the analysis method to achieve the research objectives within the period from 1/1 to 31/1/2017. The researchers used the content analysis tool as a research tool to analyze the news sites and to know the services they provide through their pages. The research was divided into three parts, the first of which dealt with the methodological aspects represented by the research problem, its importance, objectives, the second part consisted of a theoretical framework for the most prominent services provided by news websites and digital newspapers via the web. The third and final part included a presentation and explanation of the results of the analysis using statistical methods. The researchers concluded with a series of conclusions, the most prominent of which were: The news sites, in close proportion, provided a range of news, interactive and guide services, and other services that facilitate the user access to the site and the materials published through its pages and sections. However, the analysis showed the superiority of the Huffington Post Arabic site on the IMN and Youm7 in terms of providing the press archive service for the published stories, but this does not mean the disappearance of the published stories on the two sites, but is available and available when the user wants to access it by using engines search. The researchers recommend that news sites take care of the services they provide to their audiences, to achieve interaction and integration between the published content and the reader, to get a high-efficiency experience within the news website.


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How to Cite

حسني عبدالاله ح. ر., & التميمي ه. ح. (2018). News website Analytical: study of news sites (Iraqi Media network, The Seventh Day,Huffington Post Arabic. ALBAHITH ALALAMI, 10(39), 233-246.

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