News framing of the Israeli aggression on Gaza in 2021 on i24 Israeli channel.
News framing _ The Israeli aggression _ i24 Israeli channelAbstract
The study aimed to identify the news framing on the Israeli Arabic-speaking i24 channel of the Israeli aggression on Gaza -2021 by analyzing the channel’s Program “this evening”. The study used the media survey method, and in its framework, it relied on the content analysis method for the program’s episodes from May 5, 2021 AD until June 4, 2021 AD, with 22 episodes. The study showed the program’s interest in launching the Palestinian resistance’s rockets significantly, followed by the Israeli military operations, and the program’s reliance on correspondents largely as a source of news material related to the aggression. It also proved that a news report and a reporter's report was the most important form of presenting news material, and that the Israeli personalities were the most prominent in covering the Israeli aggression. The study showed that the frameworks of the conflict ranked first in relation to the news frameworks used in covering the Israeli aggression on Gaza in 2021 AD and that the most used of them were the Israeli military operations, followed by the frameworks for ending the aggression, then the frameworks for responsibility, followed by the frameworks for humanitarian concerns, and finally the frameworks for the causes of aggression. The study also showed that selection was the most important framing mechanisms and tools that the program relied on in framing the issues of the Israeli aggression, followed by exclusion and omission, then displaying numbers and statistics.
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