Author Guidelines1

Manuscripts should not exceed 6000 word (including references and endnotes).

Include the manuscript title and an abstract of no more than 250 word (in Arabic and English) and 4 to 5 keywords (in Arabic and English).

Manuscripts must be submitted anonymously, ie without any element that allows identifying the author or authors of the article. The document ID must also be taken from the document properties.

The use of self-citation should be moderate. Must be withdrawn in the submission process. In this case, the references will be of the type (Author, 2000, p. 56) and in the bibliographic references, the same principle of anonymity follows. We generally follow COPE's recommendations here (see “Self Plagiarism”:

It is important that authors’ names, emails, and affiliations do not appear anywhere in the manuscript.  This information being exclusively inserted when filling the submission platform, in order to assure the purposes of the double-blind review process.

Each author can only submit one article by number, as an author or co-author.

Each article can have a maximum of five authors.

Graphic elements (figures, tables, graphs) must have a legend and source, without an endpoint. In the text, graphic elements are mentioned extensively (ex. in Figure 1). 

Authors should include in OJS platform, a biographical note with some curricular data and with complete information on the affiliation of all authors, including the name of the institution (ex: University, Faculty, and Department/ Center). The complete addresses (including street, postal code, city, and country), electronic address, and ORCID (must also be mentioned if applicable). 

Manuscripts should be typed with double-space on standard pages (A4), using font Times New Roman 12pt. Submissions must be sent as an electronic Word (.doc) and must not overcome 10MB; PDFs are not accepted.

Footnotesuse footnotes, and endnotes (simple space, 10pt).

URL: all URL addresses in the text and bibliography/ references must be active and ready to click, redirecting to the referenced website.

Regarding other aspects, please see COPE recommendations


Citing References
Submitted manuscripts should follow the APA style for bibliographic referencing. You can find this guide on the APA Style Citation Guide page.